Multi Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR)


The MEIR course teaches the student to fly the aircraft with sole reference to instruments (IFR) or in other words with no visual external references (VFR). It is a qualification which entitles the student to fly in the same manner as airline pilots.

Course Syllabus

The course consists of 55 hours of flight training and a minimum of 25 hours of comprehensive theoretical tuition. An applicant who is already the holder of a Commercial Pilots Licence will have this training reduced by 10 hours FNPT II making it a 45 hour course.

The training for the 45 hour course is conducted in a FNPT II and a Diamond DA42 as follows:

  • 30 hours on FNPT II
  • 15 hours on the Diamond DA42

When the training is completed a flight test is then conducted on a complex multi engine aircraft (Diamond DA42).


  • Minimum age: 18
  • Must hold a valid EU issued (Part-MED) Class 1 Medical (CPL holder);
    Class 2 Medical (PPL HOLDER_ (Hyperlink – class 1 medical page).
  • For a first class rating on a single pilot multi-engine aeroplane shall have completed at least 50 hours Cross Country as Pilot In Command (PIC)
  • An applicant who wishes to commence training for the Multi Engine Instrument Rating (MEIR) shall hold the following:
    • Must hold and EASA PPL or CPL licence
    • A pass in the appropriate ATPL or IR theoretical examinations

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