Europe’s leading and award-winning Private Jet Operator, GlobeAir and Atlantic Flight Training Academy have partnered up in recruiting and training prospective pilots in a mentored programme.
The GlobeAir ab-initio programme is exclusively offered at AFTA and facilitate aspiring pilots to complete their training using GlobeAir standard operating procedures and avail of a fast-tracked assessment process with GlobeAir at the end of their training.
On successful completion of pilot training and a final GlobeAir assessment, cadets will have attained a standard where they are ready to join the GlobeAir Cessna Citation Mustang type-rating programme.
Start Dates
Ab-initio GlobeAir Mentored Programme 2025 Start Dates
- Monday 17th February
- Monday 14th April
- Monday 9th of June
- Monday 11th of August
- Monday 6th of October
- Minimum age: 17 ½ years of age.
- EU/EEA and UK Passport with the unrestricted right to live and work in the EU.
- Flexibility to be based across Europe.
- Leaving Certificate or equivalent.
- Disciplined, highly motivated with demonstrable leadership qualities.
- Must hold a valid EU (Part-MED) issued Class 1 Medical.
- Complete an assessment online and in our academy.
Private Pilot Licence (PPL) holders may also apply.
BASIC (PHASE 1,2 & 3A)
These phases comprise integrated basic flight training and ground school equivalent to PPL standard and night flying endorsement
- 100 Hours PPL Theoretical Training and Long Briefs
- 33.0 Hours Dual Flight Training
- 10.0 Hours solo.
The next 2 phases concentrate mainly on ATPL theory and examinations with a prescribed amount of dual and PIC flight training to maintain currency of previously attained flight skills. The ATPLs are a set of 13 subjects and exams which are required for the issue of an Airline Transport Pilot’s Licence. The full-time course is split into three bi-monthly modules culminating in a set of exams at the end of each module.
Examples of Modules:
- Flight Planning, Mass & Balance, Performance, Meteorology. Human Performance.
- Principles of Flight, General Navigation, Radio Navigation, Visual Flight Rules Communication, Instrument Flight Rules Communication.
- Instrumentation, Operational Procedures, Air Law. Aircraft general Knowledge
On completion of ATPL theory students will be introduced to basic Single Engine Aircraft Instrument Flight and advanced Upset Prevention and Recovery training.
- 657 Hours ATPL Theoretical Training.
- 22.0 Hours Long Briefs on Basic Instrument and Navigation
- 14.0 Hours Dual Flight Training.
- 20.0 Hours SPIC flight training.
- 40.0 Hours PIC.
These phases of training involve covering multi engine handling and VFR (Visual Flight Rules) navigation.
- 28.0 Hours Briefing on Multi Engine and Commercial Operations
- 10:30 Hours Dual Multi Engine flight training
- 1:30 Hours FNPT II Multi Engine Simulator Training
This phase of training involves Multi Engine Instrument Rating Training.
- 25:00 Hours Briefing on Instrument Rating
- 14:00 hours Dual Multi engine flight training.
- 38:30 Hours FNPT II Multi engine simulator training.
The final 4-week phase of training covers the Airline Preparation Standard Multi Crew Co-ordination (APS MCC) inclusive of a Threat and Error Management Course (TEM) and Cockpit Resource Management (CRM).
- 25 Hours theoretical training including
- Multi Crew operations and development of non‐technical skills in a multi crew environment
- Cockpit Resource Management
- Cockpit procedures
- 40 Hours APS / MCC approved simulator training including:
- Jet handling
- Flight Management Computer Familiarization and Operation
- Automatic Flight and Navigation (LNAV-(EXPAND-lateral navigation,
- VNAV (vertical navigation),
- RNAV (Area Navigation)
- RNP AR (Required Navigation Performance for Arrivals),
- PBN (performance-based navigation)
- ACAS (Aircraft Collision and Avoidance System)
- EGPWS (Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System)
- Adverse weather (Winter Ops, Windshear, Hot weather, Turbulence, Low vis)
- Globe Air specific Large Aircraft Upset Prevention and Recovery Technique (UPRT)
2025 course fee: €88,500 (paid in 4 instalments)
Course Fee Includes:
- Uniform, pilot flight bag, headset, digital copies of ATPL theory and PPL theory books, pilot’s computer (CRP5), knee-board, log book, VFR charts.
- Access to GlobeAir SOPs and Aircraft manuals.
- GlobeAir specific APS MCC.
- Advanced Upset and Prevention Recovery Training (AUPRT).
- Safety Courses and Airport ID along with all associated administration.
- Course management and access to our online training records system.
Course Fee Excludes:
- Online CUT-E assessment €79 and AFTA assessment fee: €300.
- Accommodation and living expenses. (Our student liaison officer is available to assist students sourcing accommodation prior to commencing a course.)
- Medical exam for EASA Class 1 Medical.
- GlobeAir Type Rating.
Arrange an Assessment
Our integrated assessment consists of two parts:
1) Psychometric and Aptitude Testing which can be completed online at home. Practice is recommended to familiarise yourself to the style of questions asked. Contact one of our training advisors for more information at
2) Simulator assessment and interview which are held Monday to Friday in our academy. Preparation is key.
The CUT-E Test
When you contact one of our training advisors you will be emailed a link to complete this section of the assessment at home. This is a computerised pilot screening system which assesses work related behaviour, situational behaviour, deductive-logical thinking, inductive-logical thinking, spatial orientation, reaction speed, monitoring ability, multi-tasking capabilities and complex control.
The Simulator Test
After a short briefing you will be instructed to perform some basic manoeuvres. This is to see your ability to handle aircraft, your learning curve, management and capacity.
The Interview
This part of the process is an opportunity for you to tell us why you would like to join the Fully Integrated GlobeAir Pilot Training Programme.
The instructors want to be sold on your commitment and dedication towards the training and career. You will be tested on your technical and non-technical skills.
Non- technical skills include areas such as communication, leadership and decision making. Technical skills would include, basic knowledge of aircraft systems, principles of flight. There will also be some mental math’s questions included here.
Contact Our Training Advisers.
Make an appointment to talk with one of our expert Training Advisors. They are trained to answer all your questions regarding training, finance and career prospects. This service is free.